Thundering Fury

  • Thunderbird's Mercy

  • Survivor of Catastrophe

  • Hourglass of Thunder

  • Omen of Thunderstorm

  • Thunder Summoner's Crown

Two-set Effect: Electro DMG Bonus +15%
Four-set Effect: Increases damage caused by Overloaded, Electro-Charged and Superconduct by 40%. Triggering such effects decreases Elemental Skill CD by 1s. Can only occur once every 0.8s.
  • Thunderbird's Mercy

    A lightning-infused flower, somehow spared the fate of being trodden underfoot or reduced to ash by the furious purple fire, making it the sole survivor on the day of disaster. A purple wild flower that survived in the volcanic ash. It witnessed the total decimation of the ancient tribe. They made their offerings, waiting for the Thunderbird to reveal the oracles. However, what descended with the Thunderbird, was the lightning of destruction. For the transgression against the young lad who sang to it, the sentence was total obliteration. The Thunderbird showed its true nature, wiping the tribe from the face of the earth.
  • Survivor of Catastrophe

    The lost feather of the Thunderbird enchanted in purple lightning. It serves as the last witness of the destruction of the tribe. The ancient tribe held the Thunderbird as its protector. But it rained down thunder upon the tribe. On one gloomy night, it shared a pure friendship with the lad. Once it departed, the lad picked up the feather it dropped. "I shall sing you another tune, When you come again with thunder and rain." Driven to madness by the remorse of a promise unkept, The Thunderbird left the mountain in cinders. It was hunted down years after, slain as a monster. Years passed, the burned land revitalized. The lightning-feather was left buried in the vegetation. The story of the Thunderbird and the young lad had all but perished with the tribe. Long description needed.
  • Hourglass of Thunder

    The hourglass used to foretell the coming of the Thunderbird by the tribe that worshiped it. It has fallen into eternal silence now that the tribe is no more. A luxurious hourglass, made with amethyst and amber gold, that belonged to a shaman. The hourglass would serve its purpose for the festival held in the Thunderbird's honor. In the last festival the tribe held, the frenzied Thunderbird blew away the boodstained altar, The countdown to the tribe's destruction. The Thunderbird decimated the tribe to avenge the one who sang to it. Unbeknownst the Thunderbird, the lad himself considered his sacrifice as an offering, All for the good of the tribe, for the blessing of the Thunderbird.
  • Omen of Thunderstorm

    A ceremonial cup that holds the blood of the innocent. It is brimming with the thundering fury of the prayers that echo within. A ritual goblet used by the shamans of an ancient tribe. It held the blood to be offered to the Thunderbird. In the seasons when the Thunderbird flew amidst the stormy mountains, a young lad sang without fear. Attracted to his voice, the prideful Thunderbird landed by his side. "Curious tunes, tiny human. Afraid not of thunder and storms? "They said I can bring peace to thunder and storms". The young lad paused and answered. The Thunderbird cried but kept its silence. For his was an enchanting song. It was the first and last meeting between the Thunderbird and the young boy. For the next he saw of the boy was when his blood filled the golden goblet on the sacrificial altar.
  • Thunder Summoner's Crown

    In the ancient tribe that worshipped the Thunderbird, elder shamans wore this crown. The Thunderbird soared through the thunderstorms, raining down purple thunder and rain. Ancient tribes feared its powers and thanked it for its blessings. Shamans were chosen to offer blood sacrifices to it for protection and forgiveness. The Thunderbird was still a monster that cared not for the worship of mankind. They knew it not, and regarded the unpredictable actions of the Thunderbird as divine revelations. Yet thunder was its breath, as were the fates of men. From the sky, men were no different from animals. Until one day a song pierced through the roaring thunderstorm. The song ripped through the clouds, and bestowed upon it, light.