ATK 608

CRIT Rate 33.1%

Passive level 1
Increases Movement SPD by 10%. When in battle, gain an 8% Elemental DMG Bonus every 4s. Max 4 stacks. Lasts until the character falls or leaves combat.

Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds

5 stars

ATK 608

ATK 49.6%

Passive level 1
Increases Shield Strength by 20%. Scoring hits on opponents increases ATK by 4% for 8s. Max 5 stacks. Can only occur once every 0.3s. While protected by a shield, this ATK increase effect is increased by 100%.

Memory of Dust

5 stars

ATK 674

ATK 33.1%

Passive level 1
Increases Elemental DMG Bonus by 12%. Normal Attack hits have a 50% chance to earn the favor of the clouds. which actively seek out nearby opponents to attack for 15s, dealing 160% ATK DMG. Can only occur once every 30s.

Skyward Atlas

5 stars

ATK 510

CRIT Rate 27.6%

Passive level 1
Normal Attack hits increase Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG by 20% for 6s. Likewise, Elemental Skill or Elemental Burst hits increase Normal Attack DMG by 20% for 6s.

Solar Pearl

4 stars

ATK 510

ATK 41.3%

Passive level 1
Hitting an opponent with Normal and Charged Attacks has a 60% chance of forming and dropping an Everfrost Icicle above them, dealing 80% AoE ATK DMG. Opponents affected by Cryo are dealt 200% ATK DMG instead by the icicle. Can only occur once every 10s.


4 stars

ATK 454

ATK 55.1%

Passive level 1
Normal and Charged Attacks have a 50% chance to fire a Bolt of Perception, dealing 240% ATK as DMG. This bolt can bounce between opponents a maximum of 4 times. This effect can occur once every 12s.

Eye of Perception

4 stars

ATK 510

CRIT DMG 55.1%

Passive level 1
When a character takes the field, they will gain a random theme song for 10s. This can only occur once every 30s. Recitative: ATK is increased by 60%. Aria: Increases all Elemental DMG by 48%. Interlude: Elemental Mastery is increased by 240.

The Widsith

4 stars

ATK 565

Energy Recharge 30.6%

Passive level 1
Hitting an opponent with a Normal Attack decreases the Stamina consumption of Sprint or Alternate sprint by 14% for 5s. Additionally, using a Sprint or Alternate Sprint ability increases ATK by 20% for 5s.

Wine and Song

4 stars

ATK 454

Elemental Mastery 221

Passive level 1
After dealing damage to an opponent with an Elemental Skill, the skill has a 40% chance to end its own CD. Can only occur once every 30s.

Sacrificial Fragments

4 stars

ATK 565

ATK 27.6%

Passive level 1
Upon dealing damage to an opponent, increases CRIT Rate by 8%. Max 5 stacks. A CRIT hit removes all existing stacks.

Royal Grimoire

4 stars

ATK 510

HP 41.3%

Passive level 1
Using an Elemental Burst regenerates 4 Energy every 2s for 6s. All party members will regenerate 4% HP every 2s for this duration.

Prototype Amber

4 stars

ATK 565

Elemental Mastery 110

Passive level 1
Triggering an Elemental reaction grants a 8% Elemental DMG Bonus for 10s. Max 2 stacks.

Mappa Mare

4 stars

ATK 510

Energy Recharge 45.9%

Passive level 1
CRIT hits have a 60% chance to generate a small amount of Elemental Particles, which will regenerate 6 Energy for the character. Can only occur once every 12s.

Favonius Codex

4 stars

ATK 510

CRIT DMG 55.1%

Passive level 1
After defeating an opponent, ATK is increased by 12% for 30s. This effect has a maximum of 3 stacks, and the duration of each stack is independent of the others.

Blackcliff Agate

4 stars

ATK 354

Elemental Mastery 187

Passive level 1
Increases DMG against opponents affected by Hydro or Electro by 12%.

Magic Guide

3 stars

ATK 401

HP 35.2%

Passive level 1
When switching characters, the new character taking the field has their ATK increased by 24% for 10s. This effect can only occur once every 20s.

Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers

3 stars

ATK 448

CRIT Rate 15.6%

Passive level 1
Defeating an opponent increases Movement SPD and ATK by 12% for 15s.

Twin Nephrite

3 stars

ATK 401

Energy Recharge 39.0%

Passive level 1
Each Elemental Orb or Particle collected restores 1% HP.

Otherworldly Story

3 stars

ATK 448

Elemental Mastery 94

Passive level 1
Upon causing a Vaporize, Electro-Charged, Frozen, or a Hydro-infused Swirl reaction, increases ATK by 20% for 12s.

Emerald Orb

3 stars

ATK 454

ATK 55.1%

Passive level 1
Normal Attack hits on opponents increase Charged Attack DMG by 16% for 6s. Charged Attack hits on opponents increase ATK by 8% for 6s.

Dodoco Tales

4 stars

ATK 565

Energy Recharge 30.6%

Passive level 1
After the character equipped with this weapon triggers an Electro elemental reaction, nearby party members of an Elemental Type involved in the elemental reaction receive a 10% Elemental DMG Bonus for their element, lasting 6s. Elemental Bonuses gained in this way cannot be stacked.

Hakushin Ring

4 stars

ATK 586

HP% 47.4

Passive level 1
Healing Bonus increased by 10%, Normal Attack DMG is increased by 1% of the Max HP of the character equipping this weapon. For 12s after using an Elemental Burst, Normal Attacks that hit opponents will restore 0.6 Energy. Energy can be restored this way once every 0.1s.

Everlasting Moonglow

5 stars