ATK 542

CRIT Rate 44.1%

Passive level 1
HP increased by 20%. Additionally, provides an ATK Bonus based on 1.2% of the wielder's Max HP.

Primordial Jade Cutter

5 stars

ATK 674

Physical DMG Bonus 41.3%

Passive level 1
ATK is increased by 20%. Triggers on taking DMG: the soul of the Falcon of the West awakens, holding the banner of the resistance aloft, regenerating HP equal to 100% of ATK and dealing 200% of ATK as DMG to surrounding opponents. This effect can only occur once every 15s.

Aquila Favonia

5 stars

ATK 608

ATK 49.6%

Passive level 1
Increases Shield Strength by 20%. Scoring hits on opponents increases ATK by 4% for 8s. Max 5 stacks. Can only occur once every 0.3s. While protected by a shield, this ATK increase effect is increased by 100%.

Summit Shaper

5 stars

ATK 608

Energy Recharge 55.1%

Passive level 1
Crit Rate increased by 4%. Gains Skypiercing Might upon using Elemental Burst: Increases Movement SPD by 10%, increases ATK SPD by 10%, and Normal and Charged hits deal additional DMG equal to 20% of ATK. Skypiercing Might lasts for 12s.

Skyward Blade

5 stars

ATK 565

CRIT DMG 36.8%

Passive level 1
After defeating an opponent, ATK is increased by 12% for 30s. This effect has a maximum of 3 stacks, and the duration of each stack is independent of the others.

Blackcliff Longsword

4 stars

ATK 454

Energy Recharge 61.3%

Passive level 1
CRIT hits have a 60% chance to generate 1 Elemental Orb, which will regenerate 6 Energy for the character. Can only occur once every 12s.

Favonius Sword

4 stars

ATK 510

Elemental Mastery 165

Passive level 1
Dealing Elemental DMG increases all DMG by 6% for 6s. Max 2 stacks. Can only occur once every 1s.

Iron Sting

4 stars

ATK 510

ATK 41.3%

Passive level 1
Increases DMG against enemies affected by Pyro or Electro by 20%.

Lion's Roar

4 stars

ATK 565

Physical DMG Bonus 34.5%

Passive level 1
On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks increase ATK and DEF by 4% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. Can only occur once every 0.3s.

Prototype Rancour

4 stars

ATK 510

ATK 41.3%

Passive level 1
Upon dealing damage to an opponent, increases CRIT Rate by 8%. Max 5 stacks. A CRIT hit removes all existing stacks.

Royal Longsword

4 stars

ATK 454

Energy Recharge 61.3%

Passive level 1
After dealing damage to an opponent with an Elemental Skill, the skill has a 40% chance to end its own CD. Can only occur once every 30s.

Sacrificial Sword

4 stars

ATK 510

ATK 41.3%

Passive level 1
Normal or Charged Attacks grant a Harmonic on hits. Gaining 5 Harmonics triggers the power of music and deals 100% ATK DMG to surrounding enemies. Harmonics last up to 30s, and a maximum of 1 can be gained every 0.5s.

The Flute

4 stars

ATK 510

Energy Recharge 45.9%

Passive level 1
Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 16% and Elemental Skill CRIT Rate by 6%.

Festering Desire

4 stars

ATK 440

ATK 35.2%

Passive level 1
Hitting enemies with Normal or Charged Attacks grants a 50% chance to deal 200% ATK as DMG in a small AoE. This effect can only occur once every 10s. Additionally, if the Traveler equips the Sword of Descension, their ATK is increased by 66.

Sword of Descension

4 stars

ATK 620

Elemental Mastery 55

Passive level 1
Increases DMG dealt by the character equipping this weapon by 12%. Taking DMG disables this effect for 5s.

The Alley Flash

4 stars

ATK 510

CRIT Rate 27.6%

Passive level 1
Increases DMG dealt by Normal and Charged Attacks by 20%. Additionally, regenerates 60% of ATK as HP when Normal and Charged Attacks score a CRIT Hit. This effect can occur once every 5s.

The Black Sword

4 stars

ATK 401

ATK 35.2%

Passive level 1
Increases DMG against opponents affected by Hydro or Cryo by 12%.

Cool Steel

3 stars

ATK 401

Elemental Mastery 141

Passive level 1
Upon causing an Overloaded, Superconduct, Electro-Charged, or an Electro-infused Swirl reaction, ATK is increased by 20% for 12s.

Dark Iron Sword

3 stars

ATK 448

DEF 27.5%

Passive level 1
Each Elemental Orb or Particle collected restores 1% HP.

Traveler's Handy Sword

3 stars

ATK 401

CRIT DMG 46.9%

Passive level 1
When HP is above 90%, increases CRIT Rate by 14%.

Harbinger of Dawn

3 stars

ATK 354

Energy Recharge 51.7%

Passive level 1
Using an Elemental Burst grants a 12% increase in ATK and Movement SPD for 15s.

Skyrider Sword

3 stars

ATK 401

ATK 35.2%

Passive level 1
On hit, has 50% chance to deal 240% ATK DMG to a single enemy. Can only occur once every 15s.

Fillet Blade

3 stars

ATK 648


Passive level 1
Gain a 12% Elemental DMG Bonus for all element and receive the might of the Mistsplitter's Emblem. At stack levels 1/2/3, the Mistsplitter's Emblem provides a 8/16/28% Elemental DMG Bonus for the character's Elemental Type. The character will obtain 1 stack of Mistsplitter's Emblem in each of the following scenarios: Normal Attack deals Elemental DMG (stack lasts 5s), casting Elemental Burst (stack lasts 10s); Energy is less than 100% (stack disappears when Energy is full). Each stack's duration is calculated independently.

Mistsplitter Reforged

5 stars

ATK 608

Elemental Mastery 198

Passive level 1
A part of the "Millennial Movement" that wanders amidst the winds. Increases DMG by 10%. When the character wielding this weapon triggers Elemental Reactions, they gain a Sigil of Rebellion. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s and can be triggered even if said character is not on the field. When you possess 2 Sigils of Rebellion, all of them will be consumed and all nearby party members will obtain "Millennial Movement: Song of Resistance" for 12s. "Millennial Movement: Song of Resistance" increases Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG by 16% and increases ATK by 20%. Once this effect is triggered, you will not gain Sigils of Rebellion for 20s. Of the many effects of the "Millennial Movement," buffs of the same type will not stack.


5 stars

ATK 454

ATK 55.1%

Passive level 1
After casting an Elemental Skill, gain 1 Succession Seed. This effect can be triggered once every 5s. The Succession Seed lasts for 30s. Up to 3 Succession Seeds may exist simultaneously. After using an Elemental Burst, all Succession Seeds are consumed and after 2s, the character regenerates 6 Energy for each seed consumed.

Amenoma Kageuchi

4 stars

ATK 440

DEF 65.9%

Passive level 1
Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 40% of DEF. The effect will be triggered no more than once every 1.5s and will be cleared 0.1s after the Elemental Skill deals DMG.

Cinnabar Spindle

4 stars