


Attribute base 20* 40* 50* 60* 70* 80* 90
MAX HP 1,144 3,948 6,605 8,528 10,230 11,940 13,662 14,695
ATK 19 64 108 139 166 194 222 239
DEF 60 206 345 446 535 624 715 769
Healing Bonus% - - 5.5% 11.1% 11.1% 16.6% 22.2% 22.2%

Suggested Teammates

  • Jean is a great partner to selfish DPS characters, she'll keep them healthy, free of negative elemental statuses and will keep the pressure on the enemies, as an offensive healer.

  • Jean is a great partner to selfish DPS characters, she'll keep them healthy, free of negative elemental statuses and will keep the pressure on the enemies, as an offensive healer. On top of this, depending on how many constellations she has, she can be one of the best Anemo res shredders in the game, helping boost Xiao's damage to higher levels.

  • Klee is a very powerful character but very frail, she is affected very negatively by all the elemental statuses, if she gets frozen or slowed down her DPS will suffer greatly, Jean is one of the best cleansers in the game, while also being able to tank big hits when the need arises.

  • If you are a whal... well off individual you can pair Venti and Jean for absolutely ludicruous Anemo res shredding, also Jean will help knock some of the biggest enemies in the game off their feet, allowing Venti to CC them. Add Xiao to the mix to witness the full potential of an Anemo composition.

  • The anemo traveler is a very well balanced character which can use his basic attacks, elemental skill and elemental burst to great effects, Jean can buff their offensive capabilities, while also offering great protection, they'll gain a lot of energy together on top of getting their skills and bursts back faster thanks to the Anemo resonance.


"I am Jean, the Dandelion Knight, requesting approval to join your party. From this day onwards, my honor and loyalty lie with you"


  • Balanced kit that will help you in any situation.
  • Great constellations.
  • Serviceable damage for such a utility character.
  • Good energy generation.
  • Universal cleanse.


  • Not as good grouping as other Anemo characters.
  • Hard to use as an elemental Aura given her relatively short duration burst.

Building tips:

  • Jean has access to the excellent Viridescent Venerer x4 set which will be the best in slot for most Anemo characters.
  • In case the VV shred is not needed she can further support her team with the Noblesse Oblige x4 or Maiden Beloved x4 sets, for more offensive or defensive options respectively.
  • Jean can build like a typical DPS carry with ATK and Crit stats, while also an Elemental Mastery focused build will do well with her burst, she can also exclusively focus on having as much ATK as possible to improve her healing capabilities. She makes great use of any Energy Recharge substats your artifacts or weapons possess.
  • Jean makes good use of any sword that offers any substat she desires, she can use ATK, Crit, ER, and EM substats so her weapon options are wide, this said she doesn't really have a BiS in slot weapon that will work with all of her kit at the same time and by choosing a weapon you might be deciding which part of her kit will be the strongest.

Gameplay tips:

  • Jean has two tools to crowd control her opponents. The most obvious one is her Elemental Skill which will inflict a huge deal of poise damage, her charged attack is incredibly powerful too and will be able to knock over even huge enemies like Mitachurls. Learning to combine these two skills will allow Jean to Perma crowd control some kind of enemies.
  • You can guarantee which element Jean's Dandelion Breeze will be infused with by first having this element afflicting Jean, for example, you can burst with Bennett to self apply Pyro, after this you can burst with Jean this will guarantee that her burst will be infused with Pyro.
  • Jean's elemental skill has many interactions with distinct enemy weights, from applying two instances of fall damage in one cast to dealing more damage if you launch the enemy towards another elemental skill that increases their fall velocity. Learning these possibilities will guarantee that your Jean not only is a great healer on your team but she also contributes significatively to your overall team's DPS.

constellations power:

  1. A great constellation if you are ready to use Jean's unique CC capabilities, this will allow you to bounce enemies more easily as well as deal more overall damage to groups.
  2. There are very few characters that can buff ATK Speed and Movement Speed, these two buffs will increase your team's DPS by more than 15%. Also, some characters are simply broken with some extra attack speed, this will make your Yoimiya or Eula do a lot more damage as well as being almost guaranteed to make some future basic attack carry broken.
  3. Jean's burst is very strong and this constellation just adds a nice chunk of damage.
  4. Another incredible constellation that will help characters like Xiao or Venti deal a lot more damage, also if there are more Anemo carries in the future this will help them too.
  5. Jean's skill with its low cooldown make this kind of boost a lot more noticeable than other characters.
  6. A very strong constellation that the game doesn't require... yet.



Passive Talent 1

Wind Companion

Hits by Jean's Normal Attacks have a 50% chance to regenerate HP equal to 15% of Jean's ATK for all party members.

Passive Talent 2

Let the Wind Lead

Using Dandelion Breeze will regenerate 20% of its Energy.

Passive Talent 3

Guiding Breeze

When a Perfect Cooking is achieved on a dish with restorative effects, Jean has a 12% chance to obtain double the product.

Basic attack

Favonius Bladework

Normal Attack: Performs up to 5 consecutive strikes.
Charged Attack: Consumes a certain amount of stamina to launch an opponent using the power of wind. Launched opponents will slowly fall to the ground.
Plunging Attack: Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
1-Hit 48.3 52.3 56.2 61.8 65.8 70.3 76.4 82.6 88.8 95.5 103
2-Hit 45.6 49.3 53.0 58.3 62.0 66.3 72.1 77.9 83.7 90.1 97.4
3-Hit 60.3 65.2 70.1 77.1 82.0 87.6 95.3 103 111 119 129
4-Hit 65.9 71.2 76.6 84.3 89.6 95.8 104 113 121 130 141
5-Hit 79.2 85.7 92.1 101 108 115 125 135 146 157 169
Charged Attack DMG% 162 175 188 207 220 236 256 277 298 320 346
Charged Attack Stamina Cost 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Plunge DMG 63.9 69.1 74.3 81.8 87.0 92.9 101 109 117 126 135
Low / High Plunge 128/160 138/173 149/186 164/204 174/217 186/232 202/253 219/273 235/293 253/316 271/338

Elemental skill

Gale Blade

Focusing the might of the formless wind around her blade, Jean releases a miniature storm, launching opponents in the direction she aims at, dealing massive Anemo DMG.
Hold: At the cost of continued stamina consumption, Jean can command the whirlwind to pull surrounding opponents and objects towards her front.
Direction can be adjusted.
Character is immobile during skill duration.
Skill DMG% 292 314 336 365 387 409 438 467 496 525 555 584 620
Stamina Consumption 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
Max Duration 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
CD 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0

Elemental Burst

Dandelion Breeze

Calling upon the wind's protection, Jean creates a swirling Dandelion Field, launching surrounding opponents and causing Anemo DMG. At the same time, she instantly regenerates a large amount of HP for all party members. The amount of HP restored scales off Jean's ATK.
Dandelion Field:
  • Continuously regenerates HP of characters within the AoE and continuously imbues them with Anemo.
  • Deals Anemo DMG to opponents entering or exiting the Dandelion Field.
Elemental Burst DMG% 425 457 489 531 563 595 637 680 722 765 807 850 903
Field Entering/Exiting DMG% 78.4 84.3 90.2 98.0 104.0 110 118 125 133 141 149 157 167
Field Activation Healing ATK% + Flat Bonus 251+1540 270+1694 289+1861 314+2041 333+2234 352+2439 377+2657 402+2888 427+3132 452+3389 477+3659 502+3941 534+4236
Continuous Regeneration ATK% + Flat Bonus 25.12+154 27.00+169 28.89+186 31.40+204 33.28+223 35.17+244 37.68+266 40.19+289 42.70+313 45.22+339 47.73+366 50.24+394 53.38+424
CD 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Energy Cost 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

Ascencion requirements

Levelup requirements


  • 20000

  • 1

  • none
  • 3

  • 3


  • 40000

  • 3

  • 2

  • 10

  • 15


  • 60000

  • 6

  • 4

  • 20

  • 12


  • 80000

  • 3

  • 8

  • 30

  • 18


  • 100000

  • 6

  • 12

  • 45

  • 12


  • 120000

  • 6

  • 20

  • 60

  • 24

Talent level up requirements


  • 12500

  • 3

  • 6



  • 17500

  • 2

  • 3



  • 25000

  • 4

  • 4



  • 30000

  • 6

  • 6



  • 37500

  • 9

  • 9



  • 120000

  • 4

  • 4

  • 1



  • 260000

  • 6

  • 6

  • 1



  • 450000

  • 12

  • 9

  • 2



  • 700000

  • 16

  • 12

  • 2

  • 1