


Attribute base 20* 40* 50* 60* 70* 80* 90
MAX HP 802 2,661 4,411 5,642 6,731 7,818 8,907 9,570
ATK 18 59 98 125 149 174 198 212
DEF 50 167 277 354 422 491 559 601
Cryo DMG% - - 6.0% 12.0% 12.0% 18.0% 24.0% 24.0%

Suggested Teammates

  • Diona is a pure support, she shields, heals and buffs her party. Xiao's incredibly powerful offensive capabilities come at the price of having very low defensive abilities, Diona of course will help with that. Her shield is one of the best in the game, her healing is superb with the added advantage of being long lasting which will ensure that Xiao will be healthy through most of his burst's duration.
    Diona also has pretty decent energy regeneration when outfitted with a sacrificial or favonius bow helping Xiao get his elemental burst even faster.

  • Diona's long running elemental burst can be put to great use in freeze compositions, Xingqiu is one of the best Hydro applicators in Genshin Impact and will make sure that the opponents have a hard time moving at all.
    Combining these two means your main DPS will be protected by two different kind of shields that buff each other, while also having access to a lot of heals if they are ever needed. This means that your main DPS will be able to fulfill their job without having to worry too much about dodging.

  • Hu-Tao can make great use of Diona's Cryo application and strong shields, even if Diona's elemental burst doesn't synergize too well with her own, the very strong shields will make up for it.

  • Most versions of Keqing love super conduct, Diona will allow easy access to it, provide strong shields, heals and some very important stamina consumption reduction, which will allow Keqing to keep attacking longer than other supports. She'll save even more stamina by having to dodge less.

  • Klee loves shields, heals, Cryo applicators and elemental mastery, Klee and Diona together make part of the very important and powerful loli team.

  • Razor needs super conduct to make the best use of his kit, he also sometimes gets too carried away in his frenzy and disregards his own wellbeing too much, Diona will keep Razor healthy through his whole elemental burst with her extremely strong shield and heals.

  • Tartaglia can make full use of Diona's shields and Cryo application, giving his opponents not even a chance to retaliate while they are frozen solid.

  • At high constellation levels Diona can provide elemental mastery to her party, improving at the same time Sucrose's ability to provide it for her team.

  • Albedo is a very strong support who also provides elemental mastery for his own team, Diona at high constellations can be used in a team composition that is trying to stack the maximum ammount of elemental mastery possible!.


"A cat's legs can climb even the tallest tree in all of Teyvat".


  • All in one defensive utility.
  • Good energy generation with Sacrificial Bow.
  • Easy, cheap, effective builds.


  • Little damage contribution to the party.
  • Long cooldowns and low energy generation without Sacrificial Bow.

Building tips:

  • Diona is an excellent supporter that doesn't need any specific set to shine. Her most important stats are HP and Energy Recharge which are stats needed by few other characters which make them readily available.
  • She makes great use of any support bow even at low refinements given her Icy Paws multi-hit nature, they'll easily procc Favonius Warbow or Sacrificial Bow effects consistently.

Gameplay tips:

  • The difference between good and bad Dionas is determined by the correct use of Icy Paws, depending on the kind of rotation you'll execute with her, Holding her paws if you have a Sacrificial Bow proc ready will give you a strong shield for free, at R2 you'll be able to have 100% shield uptime this way, while still using her hold skill all the time.
  • Diona's passive Drunkard's Farce will decrease the enemies ATK while they are standing on her burst's field, make sure to position your burst in a way that you'll debuff strong enemies.
  • Diona's skill briefly self applies Cryo making her able to dispel most elemental ailments.

Constellations power:

  1. An energy refund will help Diona immensely, especially if you are donating your elemental particles to another Cryo partner.
  2. Stronger shields make for a better support.
  3. Stronger burst.
  4. Diona cosplaying as single target Ganyu.
  5. Even stronger shields!
  6. Burst improved with Elemental Mastery, loses points because Diona's most common teams are Freeze oriented.



Passive Talent 1

Cat's Tail Secret Menu

Characters shielded by Icy Paws have their Movement SPD increased by 10% and their Stamina Consumption decreased by 10%.

Passive Talent 2

Drunkards' Farce

Opponents who enter the AoE of Signature Mix have 10% decreased ATK for 15s.

Passive Talent 3

Complimentary Bar Food

When a Perfect Cooking is achieved on a dish with restorative effects, Diona has a 12% chance to obtain double the product.

Basic attack

Kätzlein Style

Normal Attack: Perform up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow.
Charged Attack: Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG. While aiming, biting frost will accumulate on the arrowhead. A fully charged frost arrow will deal Cryo Damage.
Plunging Attack: Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG on impact.
1-Hit 36.1 39.1 42.0 46.2 49.1 52.5 57.1 61.7 66.4 71.4 77.2
2-Hit 33.5 36.3 39.0 42.9 45.6 48.8 53.0 57.3 61.6 66.3 71.7
3-Hit 45.6 49.3 53.0 58.3 62.0 66.3 72.1 77.9 83.7 90.1 97.4
4-Hit 43.0 46.5 50.0 55.0 58.5 62.5 68.0 73.5 79.0 85.0 91.9
5-Hit 53.8 58.1 62.5 68.8 73.1 78.1 85.0 91.9 98.8 106.3 114.8
Aimed Shot DMG% 43.9 47.4 51.0 56.1 59.7 63.8 69.0 75.0 80.6 86.7 93.7
Fully-Charged Aimed Shot DMG% 124 133 143 155 164 174 186 198 211 223 236
Plunge DMG 56.8 61.5 66.1 72.7 77.3 82.6 89.9 97.1 104.4 112.3 120.3
Low / High Plunge 114/142 123/153 132/165 143/182 155/193 165/206 180/224 194/243 209/261 225/281 241/300

Elemental skill

Icy Paws

Fires an Icy Paw that deals Cryo DMG to opponents and forms a shield on hit. The shield's DMG Absorption scales based on Diona's Max HP, and its duration scales off the number of Icy Paws that hit their target.
Press: Rapidly fires off 2 Icy Paws.
Hold: Dashes back quickly before firing 5 Icy Paws. The shield created by a Hold attack will gain a 75% DMG Absorption Bonus.
The shield has a 250% Cryo DMG Absorption Bonus, and will infuse Diona with Cryo at the point of formation for a short duration.
Icy Paw DMG% per paw 41.9 45.1 48.2 52.4 55.5 58.7 62.9 67.1 71.3 75.5 79.6 83.8 89.1
Base Shield DMG absortion Max HP% + Flat 7.2+693 7.7+762 8.3+837 9.0+918 9.5+1005 10.1+1097 10.8+1195 11.5+1299 12.2+1409 13.0+1524 13.7+1646 14.4+1773 15.3+1905
Duration per paw(seconds) 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
Tap CD(seconds) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
Hold CD(seconds) 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0

Elemental Burst

Signature Mix

Tosses out a special cold brew that deals AoE Cryo DMG and creates a Drunken Mist in an AoE.
Every 2 seconds, for 12 seconds, Drunken Mist:
  • Deals Cryo DMG to opponents within the field.
  • Regenerates the HP of characters within the field.
Initial DMG% 80 86 92 100 106 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 170
Continuous Field DMG%(x5) 52.6 56.6 60.5 65.8 69.7 73.7 79.0 84.2 89.5 94.8 100.0 105.3 111.9
HP Regeneration% 5.34+513 5.74+565 6.14+620 6.67+680 7.07+744 7.47+813 8.00+885 8.54+962 9.07+1044 9.60+1129 10.14+1219 10.67+1313 11.34+1411
Duration 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0
CD 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
Energy Cost 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

Ascencion requirements

Levelup requirements


  • 20000

  • 1

  • none
  • 3

  • 3


  • 40000

  • 3

  • 2

  • 10

  • 15


  • 60000

  • 6

  • 4

  • 20

  • 12


  • 80000

  • 3

  • 8

  • 30

  • 18


  • 100000

  • 6

  • 12

  • 45

  • 12


  • 120000

  • 6

  • 20

  • 60

  • 24

Talent level up requirements


  • 12500

  • 3

  • 6



  • 17500

  • 2

  • 3



  • 25000

  • 4

  • 4



  • 30000

  • 6

  • 6



  • 37500

  • 9

  • 9



  • 120000

  • 4

  • 4

  • 1



  • 260000

  • 6

  • 6

  • 1



  • 450000

  • 12

  • 9

  • 2



  • 700000

  • 16

  • 12

  • 2

  • 1