


Attribute base 20* 40* 50* 60* 70* 80* 90
MAX HP 763 2,632 4,403 5,686 6,820 7,960 9,108 9,797
ATK 26 90 151 194 233 272 311 335
DEF 49 169 283 366 439 512 586 630
CRIT DMG% - - 9.6% 19.2% 19.2% 28.8% 38.4% 38.4%

Suggested Teammates

  • Zhongli offers a lot of needed safety to Ganyu with his shield and crowd control abilities, allowing the cocogoat to rip through the battle field with unseen before speed and grace.

  • Mona is a pretty good off-field Hydro applicator, enabling Ganyu to stun lock all her enemies by freezing them.
    Their elemental skills and bursts pair perfectly together, and can almost finish the enemies by themselves. If thats not enough you still have Ganyu's high caliber arrows as an insurance.

  • There are not many characters that can take full advantage of Venti's burst. Ganyu is an exception to this, not only she can shoot the suspended enemies, but her burst benefits a lot from the clumping of enemies, multiplying her burst damage accordingly with how many enemies are gathered together.

  • In terms of Cryo resonance Ganyu and Diona go together like a pair of snowflakes, Diona's shielding and healing help Ganyu do her job of obliterating everything extremely easyly, while the Cryo resonance will make your damage even more consistent.
    All of this while also being part of the most adorable team comp possible!.

  • Ganyu benefits a lot from clumping enemies together. Increased elemental mastery and Cryo resistance reduction will allow Ganyu to maximize her DPS. These two will take the battlefield like a storm!.

  • There are very few off-field Pyro applicators in the game right now, luckily, Xiangling could as well be the best to ever come out. If you are looking for big horn melt numbers look no further, Gouba can provide two full melts(including the frostflake bloom) everytime he takes the battlefield, while Xiangling's elemental burst will provide consistent Pyro application to finish off any enemies tough enough to have survived the first barrage.


"It is said that the qilin carry an auspicious grace, yet who knows of the loneliness of a benevolent being among the sea of people"


  • All of her kit is good making her very fluid and self-sufficient.
  • Consistent AoE damage, not affected much by any elemental ailments.
  • Strong supportive options with a taunt and 100% uptime off-field Cryo application with good damage.


  • Prone to being interrupted and needing shield support.
  • Her artifact sets leave a lot to be desired as well as her weapons not named Amos' Bow.

Building tips:

  • Ganyu doesn't really have good artifact sets that supoprt the strong hits she delivers, the community has settled on trying to make her work with Wanderer's Troupe x4 and Blizzard Strayer x4, two sets that while good are not ideal given all the free stats Ganyu gets in her kit.
  • Ganyu is a Cryo Main DPS character like most DPS characters she makes good use of Crit and ATK stats, Ganyu is especially inclined to use a lot of Crit DMG given that she gets almost 50% Crit Rate for free, with Cryo resonance and, almost 100% Crit Rate for free while using the Blizzard Strayer artifact set.
  • Ganyu wants mostly ATK and Crit Damage substats this reduces her options for her weapons, her best bow currently is the Amos' Bow. While any other bow with Crit or ATK substats will do a decent job, it is of note that the Prototype Crescent at R5 is a very competitive option under perfect reaching almost the power of an R1 Amos' Bow.

Gameplay tips:

  • Keep using your Elemental Skill off cooldown and position yourself accordingly so you can hit at least one enemy with it, this will allow you to keep your energy up and keep your burst going 100% of the time.
  • Ganyu's elemental burst not only adds a lot of AoE damage but also improves your overall Cryo output thanks to its Bonus, if you can't have your burst up all the time, try to find some battery for Ganyu or add some Energy Recharge on her build.
  • Sometimes it's best to shoot your arrow to the floor so you don't have a chance to miss especially against humanoid enemies which have a very small hitbox.
  • Learning when your arrow has fully charged to level two will increase your DPS a lot, make sure to pay attention to the animation on your screen instead of waiting until the charging noise is heard.

Constellations power:

  1. C1 is a very good constellation offering Cryo Shred and Energy generation two things that will improve Ganyu's overall damage.
  2. More Taunts and more energy, this constellation gets a higher score if you are going for c6.
  3. Ganyu's burst has very good scaling especially against enemies which can be grouped.
  4. This Bonus is additive which means it is not as strong as the description makes it up to be, one advantage is that it works on the whole party and that you can also keep it up all the time if you keep bursting within 3 seconds of your burst ending.
  5. Your skill gets better, Ganyu's skill hits hard but still not the kind of damage boost we are looking for at high constellations.
  6. This constellation seems suited only for a Ganyu solo clearing the game but think about it, with this constellation you can switch in Ganyu fire 3 fully charged attacks within seconds, generate 8 Cryo particles fire up your burst, further buffing your team's overall damage, this constellation makes Ganyu one of the best Sub DPS and Cryo supports in the game.



Passive Talent 1

Undivided Heart

After firing a Frostflake Arrow, the CRIT Rate of subsequent Frostflake Arrows and their resulting bloom effects is increased by 20% for 5s.

Passive Talent 2

Harmony between Heaven and Earth

Celestial Shower grants a 20% Cryo DMG Bonus to active members in the AoE.

Passive Talent 3

Preserved for the Hunt

Refunds 15% of the ores used when crafting Bow-type weapons.

Basic attack

Liutian Archery

Normal Attack: Perform up to 6 consecutive shots with a bow.
Charged Attack: Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG. While aiming, an icy aura will accumulate on the arrowhead before the arrow is fired. Has different effects based on how long the energy has been charged:
  • Charge Level 1: Fires off an icy arrow that deals Cryo DMG.
  • Charge Level 2: Fires off a Frostflake Arrow that deals Cryo DMG.

The Frostflake Arrow blooms after hitting its target, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
Plunging Attack: Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
1-Hit 31.7 34.3 36.9 40.6 43.2 46.1 50.2 54.2 58.3 62.7 67.8
2-Hit 35.6 38.5 41.4 45.5 48.4 51.8 56.3 60.9 65.4 70.4 76.1
3-Hit 45.5 49.2 52.9 58.2 61.9 66.1 71.9 77.8 83.6 89.9 97.2
4-Hit 45.5 49.2 52.9 58.2 61.9 66.1 71.9 77.8 83.6 89.9 97.2
5-Hit 48.3 52.2 56.1 61.7 65.6 70.1 76.3 82.5 88.6 95.4 103.1
6-Hit 57.6 62.3 67.0 73.7 78.4 83.8 91.1 98.5 105.9 113.9 123.1
Aimed Shot DMG% 43.9 47.4 51.0 56.1 59.7 63.8 69.4 75.0 80.6 86.7 92.8
Aimed Shot Charge Level 1 DMG% % 124 133 143 155 164 174 186 198 211 223 236
Frostflake Arrow DMG% 128 138 147 160 170 179 192 205 218 230 243
Frostflake Arrow Bloom DMG% 218 234 250 272 288 305 326 348 370 392 413
Plunge DMG 56.8 61.5 66.1 72.7 77.3 82.6 89.9 97.1 104.4 112.3 120.3
Low / High Plunge 114/142 123/154 132/165 145/182 155/193 165/206 180/225 194/243 209/261 225/281 241/300

Elemental skill

Trail of the Qilin

Leaving a single Ice Lotus behind, Ganyu dashes backward, shunning all impurity and dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
Ice Lotus:
  • Continuously taunts surrounding opponents, attracting them to attack it.
  • Endurance scales based on Ganyu's Max HP.
  • Blooms profusely when destroyed or once its duration ends, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
Inherited HP% 120 129 138 150 159 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 255
Skill DMG% 132 142 152 165 175 185 198 211 224 238 251 264 281
Skill Duration 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
CD 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

Elemental Burst

Celestial Shower

Coalesces atmospheric frost and snow to summon a Sacred Cryo Pearl that exorcises evil.
During its ability duration, the Sacred Cryo Pearl will continuously rain down shards of ice, striking opponents within an AoE and dealing Cryo DMG.
Ice Shard DMG% 71 76 81 88 93 98 105 112 120 127 134 141 149
Duration 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
CD 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
Energy Cost 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Ascencion requirements

Levelup requirements


  • 20000

  • 1

  • none
  • 3

  • 3


  • 40000

  • 3

  • 2

  • 10

  • 15


  • 60000

  • 6

  • 4

  • 20

  • 12


  • 80000

  • 3

  • 8

  • 30

  • 18


  • 100000

  • 6

  • 12

  • 45

  • 12


  • 120000

  • 6

  • 20

  • 60

  • 24

Talent level up requirements


  • 12500

  • 3

  • 6



  • 17500

  • 2

  • 3



  • 25000

  • 4

  • 4



  • 30000

  • 6

  • 6



  • 37500

  • 9

  • 9



  • 120000

  • 4

  • 4

  • 1



  • 260000

  • 6

  • 6

  • 1



  • 450000

  • 12

  • 9

  • 2



  • 700000

  • 16

  • 12

  • 2

  • 1