


Attribute base 20* 40* 50* 60* 70* 80* 90
MAX HP 802 2661 4411 5642 6731 7818 8907 9570
ATK 16 54 90 115 137 160 182 195
DEF 53 175 289 370 442 513 584 628
ATK% 0% 0% 6% 12% 12% 18% 24% 24%

Suggested Teammates

  • Kazuha is an excellent partner to Sarah boosting her damage and providing grouping something she appreciates.

  • Zhongli will guarantee that Sara will have an easy time doing her job on the field, while improving her offensive abilities a little bit.

  • As usual Bennett is a great option for any team, he'll guarantee that Sara his extremely hard with her burst while also passing his buff to a final team mate that'll have their attack raised to the sky.

  • Lisa is an excellent partner that offers some defensive utility to Sara with elemental bursts that combine pretty well.

  • Keqing is another great option with a pretty hasty burst which will make use of Sara's buffs with extreme ease.

  • Raiden's energy generation will guarantee that Sara will have an easy time charging her elemental burst, while making great use of all the buffs Sara can provide for her team with her extremely powerful elemental burst.


"Listen. Thunder speaks the will of the Almighty Shogun."


  • Consistently buffs your DPS characters with ATK and extra energy.
  • Good synergy with a lot of Electro characters, as Beidou and Fischl can snapshot her buffs and Raiden loves to have electro characters given her energy and Resolve stacks.


  • Intensive gameplay unlike her distant cousin Bennett.
  • Only works in some team comps without slowing down their rotations.

Building tips:

  • Sara is a burst DPS character that has a very strong elemental burst, while also buffing her teams overall damage, but being included in its rotations, this makes a great fit for the Noblesse Oblige x4 artifact set, which will cement her supporting capabilities further, she can also support her teams energy production based on how much Energy Recharge she posseses which makes the Emblem of Severed Fate x4 set another great match which will improve her personal damage and supporting capabilities energy wise.
  • Sara is a DPS character and as such she requires the ATK and Crit stats to deal the maximum ammount of damage, Sara has also some use for the Energy Recharge substat which will help recharge faster her costly elemental burst, as well as provide back to her team some of her Energy Recharge% thanks to her Decorum passive.
  • Sara can make use of any ATK or Crit substats Bow, while also making good use of most Energy Recharge as substat Bows. Of notice for pure support gameplay the Sacrificial Bow will help her have greater uptime on her buffs while having a high base attack which she will be allowed to pass along to her teammates.

Gameplay tips:

  • Sara can pass her ATK buffs to a teammate in three different ways.
    • At C2 she'll leave a crow feather behind after using her elemental skill, in this case, you should switch to a teammate immediately to take advantage of her buff as her feather will detonate quickly.
    • at any constellation after using her elemental skill she can rapidly fire a charged attack which will leave a mark at the shot location, this will detonate after a few seconds granting the buff to any nearby team members.
    • Finally, when Kujo Sara uses her elemental burst it will create many Crow Feathers randomly after the burst strikes, in this case, you should switch immediately to a team member after Sara uses her elemental burst to take advantage of her buff.
  • Kujo Sara won't generate particles unless you use your charged attack after using your elemental skill, if you are energy starved don't forget to include this attack into your rotations.
  • You don't need to hit anything with your Crowfeather Cover infused Charged Attack, it is more convenient to shoot at the floor near your character so you don't have to run as much to gain its buff and you still can gain energy particles with it.

constellations power:

  1. We got good enough uptime of her buff but this helps a little.
  2. Even more sources for her buff excellent pickup.
  3. Her burst has great multipliers a good pickup.
  4. More buffs to her burst.
  5. More ratio for our buff.
  6. One of its kind buff which is more impactful than classic ATK buffs.



Passive Talent 1

Land Survey

When dispatched on an expedition in Inazuma, time consumed is reduced by 25%.

Passive Talent 2

Immovable Will

While in the Crowfeather Cover state provided by Tengu Stormcall, Aimed Shot charge times are decreased by 60%.

Passive Talent 3


When Tengu Juurai: Ambush hits opponents, Kujou Sara will restore 1.2 Energy to all party members for every 100% Energy Recharge she has. This effect can be triggered once every 3s.

Basic attack

Normal Attack: Tengu Bowmanship

Normal Attack Perform up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow. Charged Attack Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG. While aiming, crackling lightning will accumulate on the arrowhead. An arrow fully charged with the storm's might will deal Electro DMG. When in the Crowfeather Cover state, a fully-charged arrow will leave a Crowfeather behind after it hits. Plunging Attack Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
1-Hit DMG 36.89% 39.9% 42.9% 47.19% 50.19% 53.63% 58.34% 63.06% 67.78% 72.93% 78.08%
2-Hit DMG 38.7% 41.85% 45% 49.5% 52.65% 56.25% 61.2% 66.15% 71.1% 76.5% 81.9%
3-Hit DMG 48.5% 52.45% 56.4% 62.04% 65.99% 70.5% 76.7% 82.91% 89.11% 95.88% 102.65%
4-Hit DMG 50.4% 54.5% 58.6% 64.46% 68.56% 73.25% 79.7% 86.14% 92.59% 99.62% 106.65%
5-Hit DMG 58.05% 62.78% 67.5% 74.25% 78.98% 84.38% 91.8% 99.23% 106.65% 114.75% 122.85%
Aimed Shot 43.86% 47.43% 51% 56.1% 59.67% 63.75% 69.36% 74.97% 80.58% 86.7% 92.82%
Fully-Charged Aimed Shot 124% 133.3% 142.6% 155% 164.3% 173.6% 186% 198.4% 210.8% 223.2% 235.6%
Plunge DMG 56.83% 61.45% 66.08% 72.69% 77.31% 82.6% 89.87% 97.14% 104.41% 112.34% 120.27%
Low/High Plunge DMG 113.63% / 141.93% 122.88% / 153.49% 132.13% / 165.04% 145.35% / 181.54% 154.59% / 193.1% 165.17% / 206.3% 179.7% / 224.45% 194.23% / 242.61% 208.77% / 260.76% 224.62% / 280.57% 240.48% / 300.37%

Elemental skill

Tengu Stormcall

Retreats rapidly with the speed of a tengu, summoning the protection of the Crowfeather. Gains Crowfeather Cover for 18s, and when Kujou Sara fires a fully-charged Aimed Shot, Crowfeather Cover will be consumed, and will leave a Crowfeather at the target location. Crowfeathers will trigger Tengu Juurai: Ambush after a short time, dealing Electro DMG and granting the active character within its AoE an ATK Bonus based on Kujou Sara's Base ATK. The ATK Bonuses from different Tengu Juurai will not stack, and their effects and duration will be determined by the last Tengu Juurai to take effect.
Tengu Juurai: Ambush DMG 125.76% 135.19% 144.62% 157.2% 166.63% 176.06% 188.64% 201.22% 213.79% 226.37% 238.94% 251.52% 267.24%
ATK Bonus Ratio 42.96% 46.18% 49.4% 53.7% 56.92% 60.14% 64.44% 68.74% 73.03% 77.33% 81.62% 85.92% 91.29%
ATK Bonus Duration 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 s
CD 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s 10 s

Elemental Burst

Subjugation: Koukou Sendou

Casts down Tengu Juurai: Titanbreaker, dealing AoE Electro DMG. Afterwards, Tengu Juurai: Titanbreaker spreads out into 4 consecutive bouts of Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster, dealing AoE Electro DMG. Tengu Juurai: Titanbreaker and Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster can provide the active character within their AoE with the same ATK Bonus as given by the Elemental Skill, Tengu Stormcall. The ATK Bonus provided by various kinds of Tengu Juurai will not stack, and their effects and duration will be determined by the last Tengu Juurai to take effect.
Tengu Juurai: Titanbreaker DMG 409.6% 440.32% 471.04% 512% 542.72% 573.44% 614.4% 655.36% 696.32% 737.28% 778.24% 819.2% 870.4%
Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster DMG 34.12% 36.68% 39.24% 42.65% 45.21% 47.77% 51.18% 54.59% 58% 61.42% 64.83% 68.24% 72.51%
CD 20 s 20 s 20 s 20 s 20 s 20 s 20 s 20 s 20 s 20 s 20 s 20 s 20 s
Energy Cost 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

Ascencion requirements

Levelup requirements


  • 20000

  • 1

  • none
  • 3

  • 3


  • 40000

  • 3

  • 2

  • 10

  • 15


  • 60000

  • 6

  • 4

  • 20

  • 12


  • 80000

  • 3

  • 8

  • 30

  • 18


  • 100000

  • 6

  • 12

  • 45

  • 12


  • 120000

  • 6

  • 20

  • 60

  • 24

Talent level up requirements


  • 12500

  • 3

  • 6



  • 17500

  • 2

  • 3



  • 25000

  • 4

  • 4



  • 30000

  • 6

  • 6



  • 37500

  • 9

  • 9



  • 120000

  • 4

  • 4

  • 1



  • 260000

  • 6

  • 6

  • 1



  • 450000

  • 12

  • 9

  • 2



  • 700000

  • 16

  • 12

  • 2

  • 1